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F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
If we vote by posting , I can test them layouts too
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
I did not say that there is another team logo on there . I was just reminding
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
(sorry for rude tone)
4) STOP putting your team's logo or any other logo of a team....
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Just to tell you so you know , I will miss the round tonight .
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Copy the .col files in the colours directory to LFS/data/colours/
Copy the .dds files in the skins_dds directory to LFS/data/skins_dds/

Did you do that ?
Also ,
Quote :
The names of your AIs have to be AI 1, AI 2, AI 3, ... If you have renamed
your AIs the skins will not be applied automatically. To manually rename
your AIs start LFS and go to options/game/. To automatically rename your
AIs copy drv.nam in the misc directory to LFS/data/misc.

It's safe to overwrite any existing files when installing this package.

F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
It should have read me.txt file in it
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Skin is ok but looks like a williams skin with slight edits <.< no offence just saying my opinion
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
LFSW name: F1 mainiac
In-game name: Bozz
Full team name: Teamless
Nation: Bulgaria
OFF-Topic: God damn your avatar scares the s*** outta me everytime i see it D:
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
After looong time (1 year) I want to ask if someone has a XRG body kit ... oh and sorry for double post
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Great skin . But if you look closer there is a slight mismatch between the hood and the side . (the yellow lines)
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
In that case , LFS will need crash damage (not only a smashed tin can).
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Great skins , Jazzon !
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Good Luck !
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Here is the FOX skin:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Forgot to tell you guys to save the FO8 skin under FO8_E21
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Lotus F1 team E21 for FO8 (FOX will be done soon)
Skin download
Skin Preview 1
Skin Preview 2
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :thats a bbc show, not american. Could be shopped

oh.. sorry then and btw it doesn't look like much shopped
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Looks like someone failed .... well in geography
Last edited by F1 mainiac, .
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
.... *rage dots* That is the most stupid question I've ever HEARD (sorry for caps)
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Skin is good but why the hell do you name them LQ and MQ ? you can just name it XFG_Ferm upload it and done ..
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Full Name: Bozhidar Velinov
LFSW Username: F1 mainiac
Requested carnumber: 11
Teamname: /
Teamtag: /
Nationality: Bulgarian
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Quote from kamo2000 :As usual i ended up being a moron. Miscalculated fuel after 2nd pitstop....after that the race was ruined..somehow my brain though that pit on 50th lap leaves me with 24 more laps....ffs

Bad stuff happens . Btw if you tell me that you 1st pit was on 25 I am gonna kill myself cause I had the same strategy
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Awesome ! thx for sharing ! oh and looking forward to 2013 skin pack
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
#04 Bozhidar Velinov
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
I am in . *short , straight to the point comment*
F1 mainiac
S3 licensed
Full Name: Bozhidar Velinov
LFSW Username: F1 mainiac
Requested carnumber: 04 !
Teamname: /
Teamtag: /
Nationality: Bulgaria